Friday, February 20, 2009

The psychologist who lost his mind

I am spending the month in neurology. I got to spend a day working with a specialist in dementia. We saw a 73 year old male for a follow-up appointment. This gentleman was a Ph.D. psychologist by profession. It was moving to be a part of this encounter.

"Mr. J, I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to support your application to the Department of Transportation to let you drive."

"That's... I can... why...."

Mr. J, I understand how frustrating this must be for you. You've probably had patients with Alzheimer's and might remember what this disease does..."

"I used to be.... I know! I... Alzheimer's... not fair..." and after a painful pause, 'frustating!

There is an irony in this encounter. The psychologist who measured the slipping away of memory is now in the 'driver's seat' of the very condition that will take him...literally... out of the driver's seat.

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