Sunday, October 04, 2009

Aloepecia totalis

It was a busy afternoon. The student working with me came out of the room and told me that next patient -- a 53 year old male was a caucasian male here for a physical. As busy as we were, I went into the room with her quickly. The patient had wanted us to see his 1 month old in the same visit and Mom came along as well, so there were quite a few people in the room. He took his cap off as I began my physical and I noted he was bald. I asked him when he lost his hair and he said when he was 39. I looked up at his face ready to begin the HEENT (Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat) part of my exam when I noticed, hello? He has no eyebrows. Wait! He also has no eyelashes and... no nose hair, no hair in his ears, no facial hair, no hair on his arms and legs. He smiled and said 'Aloepecia totalis'. Cool!

I have seen one such case before and it is in this blog. In that case however, it was the side-effect of a drug. In this case, it seems, the patient denied any exposure to that drug and any other for that matter. No-one else in his family has this.

Moral of the story: just when you think the physical exam is a routine...

1 comment:

delainahooks said...

it's great to read that even after you have been a doctor for so many years, a routine physical can still make you say "COOL!" .. it is cool, one of the reasons I want to get into medicine is it just excites me!