Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

It's June 17 -- Father's Day. I'm working Urgent Care Pediatrics.

On a day to celebrate fathers, I sure saw a lot of them. Worried, broad shouldered, holding their little ones in jammies, blankets or in infant car seats, they brought their little ones in. I walked into one room to find the baby in the car seat fast asleep and the dad sitting on a stool with his head resting on the table, also fast asleep. He wearily recounted a difficult night of sitting up with a fussy, coughing baby.

Here's where the rubber meets the road. Fathers caring for their children, no thanks needed. Selflessly, they did their duty as parents and dads. When I casually remarked to one dad of a 4 month old,

"Hey! Congratulations! It's your first father's day!"  (This was his first child).

He looked at me puzzled for a moment and then broke a smile and said thanks. He wasn't thinking of Father's Day, or presents, or a special day for him. He only wanted his little boy to be better.

In a world that has its share of deadbeat dads, irresponsible, selfish and childish men who father children nonetheless, it was great to see that there are still caring, tenderhearted, broadshouldered men out there who are doing their jobs... even on Father's Day.

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