Saturday, December 25, 2010

'Twas 3 days before Christmas...

Christmas is a time for joy...but not always. I was on call for pediatrics when my pager went off at 5:30 am in the morning. When I called back the nurse informed me that a kindergartner had passed away. I went in to declare her dead. She had fought cancer and lost. Her mother held her body in her arms and wept. Her father and grandparents stood around the bed. There are no words for times like this. I have had this family in my prayers during this holiday season.

Just a few days ago I had gotten notification that a patient of mine had died in hospice. I remembered the phone call from his aged wife a month ago asking me if I would prescribe home health because she could not no longer move him into a tub or onto a commode by herself. By herself! I remembered encouraging her to bring him in. He would not come. When he finally did, he died 2 days later. Once again, losing a life partner of many decades at a time like this must be crushing. When hollywood shows love, it shows beautiful young people, hands and eyes locked together. However, I see love in this elder woman trying to help her husband onto a commode or into a tub. He has nothing more to give her. She will get nothing in return. She does it just because she loves him. They have shared life, home, bed and children for decades.

My prayers go out to these families and other like them in need, sickness or alone.

1 comment:

Echoes said...

Greetings doctor..

I'v just about delightfully skimmed through your writings and what can I say other than it is awesome.. It's not just about the kind of person you are(compassionate, caring.... a true follower of Jesus Christ) for that shines out very clearly from your writings, but you are a tremendous well spring of encouragement and strength, a shining lighthouse calling floundering ships to safety! Honestly, I am amazed, awed and joyful to have come across you.. God bless you for taking out the time and making the effort so you can be a blessing to so many in this so called 'virtual' world too.. am sure God will continue to use you wonderfully for His glory!