Sunday, August 16, 2009

The first first 2 weeks

I had meant to write about my first day in the job as a Med-Peds physician. That was July 27th. It is August 16th as I sit down to write this entry. The first day is a bit of blur, so I'll write about the first 2 weeks instead.

I remember that my first day had one no-show -- a bit anti-climactic. However, there were enough patients to keep me busy, mostly new patients who came to establish care. In these past 2 weeks, I have had a lot of adults coming into establish care and get an annual physical. Similarly, there have been a lot of kids who came for well-child visits and sports physicals. After the first 20 or so, I wanted to see a sick person! I enjoyed the freedom of seeing patients on my own. In the first couple of three visits, I would come out of the room, look for my staff, remember I was it and go back in to finish the visit. Even at the end of the second week, I still had to catch myself dictating "this is resident physician Vijay Aswani dictating..."

The first Peds clinic call was exciting. I was nervous about whether I would be able to keep up with the flow of patients. It was fun! I did end up admitting one 12 year old. My last case of the call morning was a little 2 year old with nursemaids elbow. I was able to click it back into place in seconds.The mother was suitably impressed. This is one of the few things in pediatric medicine where the fix is instantaneous. I was grateful for that case in my first day.

I staffed residents for the first time day before yesterday (the last day of my first 2 weeks). I supervized a resident tapping a left knee effusion that I had seen the day before and saved for this clinic. Everything went flawlessly. The patient felt no pain and we took off more fluid that I can remember taking off a knee.

All in all, I am feeling more at ease in my new job: building new patient relationships, taking care of patients and doing a variety of things with both adults and kids -- what a Med-Peds practice should be. Some highlights were: diagnosing my first case of diabetes mellitus type 2, tapping a knee effusion, setting a nursemaid's elbow, parotiditis, atrial fibrillation, managing blood med side-effectsd (hyperkalemia), performing a pelvic exam on a first time patient... the list goes on.

I have the internal Medicine board exams in about 11 days. Scary. Trying to study while practicing in these early days is hard: almost every patient is a new one that I need to get to know before I can go faster in my visits. Right now, each office visit is 30 minutes and each physical is an hour. I hear that that will change to 20 and 40 minutes respectively, within a month or so. Got to get faster.

My only beef is that I wish I had more time to think about some of the cases. If I could think, read and consider before having to 'move on to the next case', I would probably order fewer tests and maybe get to the answer faster in some cases and get to answer in some cases. Perhaps this will improve with time as I become faster.

Onward and forward to another week...

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