Sunday, October 28, 2007


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Blogging and doctoring. Is this allowed? I have researched HIPAA regulations and blogging. As long as I am careful to not disclose any of the 18 Health Information Identifiers, I am okay. Further information can be found at There are a number of resident bloggers out there. Just google resident or medical blog and see.

Physicians have a long tradition of being writers: Abraham Verghese, Oliver Sacks, William Carlos Williams, A. J. Cronin and the list goes on. Physicians tell their stories and since patients make up a big part of their lives, their patients' stories too. Blogging is a new dimension but a continuance of this tradition. If done respecting the dignity and privacy of the patients and with care to avoid divulging health information identifiers, it can become the next torch-bearing media in chronicle-ing our experience with pain, suffering and healing.

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